Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Bugbears of Portown: Rumor and Ecology

Those are not his friends

The boys were cornered and grossed out. When they encountered the tall pumpkin-headed humanoid n the cave they had sought to avoid it. It behaved strangely gurgling and writhing. Then it began to retch.

The creatures jaw must have unhinged and the top of its head folded back. Mucus sputtered out from its esophagus into the air. A hand reached out from its mouth, covered in what was probably bile, clawing at the air.

After an interminable moment a goblin pulled itself out of the large creatures mouth and ran towards us, slipping on its own mucus (or was it bile) trail.

The boys beat it to death and then slew the larger thing while it was in the process of spawning another goblin. They defeated the creatures but we could not unsee what we so desperately wanted to unsee. So, in a way, the bugbear won.
            -Fan Fiction of the Thaumaturgist.

The bugbear was probably once a normal goblin. As far as the scholars know some goblins become cannibalistic and begin eating other goblins. However goblins do not possess the normal need that most other creatures have, being sustained by the chaos that flows through them. The best guess that anyone has is that the chaos somehow melds and mutates the devourer and the devoured together. It is unknown if the bugbear is regurgitating the goblins it has eaten or if new goblins are being formed and spat out when it is agitated.

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